The Green Futures of Tycho

Site disclaimer

This site is not for profit and is intended to be a resource for fans of William Sleator in general and of his book The Green Futures of Tycho in particular.

Images and artwork are copyrighted by their respective holders and/or creators.

All other text and contents of the entire domain are copyright © 1998-2018 Royce Williams.

I try to keep the information here accurate and up-to-date, but I make no guarantees whatsoever. Please let me know if there is information that is inaccurate or missing.

William Sleator passed away in 2011.

This site has not been officially endorsed by anyone, including (but not limited to) William Sleator, his agents, publishers, or any of the cover artists. That being said, Mr. Sleator was aware of the site and corresponded with me briefly about it appreciatively (as he did with all fans, young and old).

This site is best viewed in 1995. ;)

Time travel egg
Tycho Tithonus (
was last updated Friday, 14-Sep-2018 18:45:58 EDT.